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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Sand Grades

Sand Grades

As a supplier of high-quality river sand, we are very fortunate that the sand from various river streams, open reaches and depots has a high-grade of fine granular, coarse and fill content, which provides us with consistent quality at all times. River sand is distributed and supplied from various river streams located in Andhra Pradesh. We cater mainly to the construction field. We have decades of experience and extensive knowledge in the industry and provide various forms of sand for a range of uses.

We have a variety of sands available, including Fine Granular Sand, Coarse Sand, &Fill Sand, to suit your budget and special requirements, we can always customize our services to meet your needs.

Fine Granular Sand

Fine Granular or fine sand has the shape of round and solid grains.it is the cleanest among the other types of sand.it is suitable for plastering works that require fine texture and to be used at the golf course.it can also be used to produce light weight brick.

Coarse Sand

Coarse sand is rather large size and unequal forms with edges.it is suitable for structural Construction work that requires stronger forces e.g.Bridges, reinforced structure,footing,land,land slide prevention etc.

Fill Sand

Fill sand is commonly used for leveling and or used together with sandbags that help prevent flood and road filling